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FAMU na Premier Plans D’Angers

FAMU na Premier Plans D’Angers

Tento týden, 25. 1. začíná prestižní festival Premier Plans D’Angers, kam se do soutěže dostaly hned čtyři snímky FAMU tvůrců: Člověk Kilimandžáro od Jana Hechta (KR), Dezertér, jehož režisérem je Sasha Stelchenko (KR), anidok Spolu sami od Diany Cam Van Nguyen (KAT) a dětský animovaný příběh Plody mraků od Kateřiny Karhánkové (KAT). Moc držíme palce - FAMU má historicky poprvé tolik snímků na tomto festivalu!

The prestigious Premier Plans D’Angers festival is beginning this week on 25 January, and as many as four films made by FAMU filmmakers are competing there: Mt. Human by Jan Hecht (Dept. of Direction), Deserter directed by Sasha Stelchenko (Dept. Direction), Alone animated documentary by Diana Cam Van Nguyen (Dept. of Animated film) and Fruits of Clouds by Kateřina Karhánková (Dept. of Animated film). We keep our fingers crossed – this is the first time ever that so many FAMU films were nominated for this festival!

21. leden 2019
