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Dean’s Day for the academic community

Dean’s Day for the academic community

The Dean of FAMU announces Dean’s Day (day off) from 19 April 1:00 pm to 21 April 2023 with a view to enabling the academic community to participate in FAMUFEST 2023.
Dean’s Day is announced with the following clarification:

  • Dean’s Day applies only to instruction, i.e. academic workers and students, and is intended to allow them to take part in the festival;
  • Scheduled instruction cancelled by Dean’s Day has to be replaced by the end of the summer semester (within the space of two weeks from 8 to 19 May 2023);
  • In exceptional cases, instruction may continue during Dean’s Day if it cannot be replaced at a different time (e.g. if it involves the presence of a guest, or for technical or operational reasons); taking the respective decision is up to the subject teacher.

We wish you nice days. Thank you.

13. April 2023
